Although a lot of people don’t realize it, the whole oil enterprise is paramount to all gas exploration and production organizations. After all, they deliver a wide array of packages, such as site upkeep, drainage, reserve, and logistical assessment, as well as the realization of wells in remote and onshore locations.
Since the entire industry is estimated to reach over $170 billion by the year 2025, you might want to learn which oil construction companies are the biggest in 2024. Luckily, this is exactly what we’ll discuss in this article, so, without losing any more time, here are the top six companies:
1. “Schlumberger”
Highest Revenue: $32.8 Billion
One of the oldest corporations on this list, Schlumberger, has been established back in 1926 in Houston, Texas. As you might’ve guessed, they specialize in delivering a wide scope of derivatives, packages, and techs to the oil and gas enterprise. Like almost all the establishments on this list, they maneuver through 4 segments, and through them, they deliver various services including program integrated solutions, drilling, rigs, measurements, maintenance, synthetic lifts, and so on.
Basically, they offer an extensive scope of services which is, perhaps, one of the main reasons why they’re one of the biggest and most successful oil construction businesses around the globe. Additionally, they have facilities in over 80 countries and their facilities can be seen across Africa, Europe, the Middle East, America, and the Pacific – all of which prove the fact that they’re the largest oil construction corporation in the world.
2. “Baker Hughes”
Highest Revenue: $22.9 Billion
Yet another organization with headquarters in Texas, Baker Hughes was launched in 1987 and they offer various integrated goods, digital assistance, and of course, oilfield products. Their main operating segments include Oilfield supplies, assistance, processing solutions, and online program integration. Some of the things that they offer include evaluation and drills, and they also offer diverse packs and goods for flowing production platforms.
Unlike the aforementioned company, they have facilities and processes in over 110 countries including ones in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. It’s also worth mentioning that they offer turbomachinery as well, which is something that other organizations on this list don’t offer, and because of this, they’re one of the leading companies in the oilfield construction industry and sector.
3. “Halliburton”
Highest Revenue: $24 Billion
Established back in 1919, Halliburton is an organization that provides various goods and packages to lucrative gas and petroleum organizations. Unlike the rest of the establishments in our article, this one only operates in 2 regions – Realization and Production, as well as Testing and Drills. The first element offers production boosting assistance, while the second one offers the drilling liquid systems, draining of fluids, solids management, etc…
Currently, they hold two offices, one in America and the second one in the United Arab Emirates. They have facilities in more than 75 nations, and identical to the aforementioned firms, they work in European nations, Africa, North America, and the Pacific. It’s worth mentioning that they offer technical and customized testing tools and kits that can help organizations with waste control options for their rigs.
4. “Morgan Construction And Environmental LTD”
Highest Revenue: $492 Million
With over fifty years of working in the field, Morgan LTD is an oilfield building organization founded in Alberta, with several sister companies across the region. They don’t only specialize in smaller and medium assignments, but they also accept big and complex ones. Their main focus is to complete the projects on time and without crossing the funding, and they also make sure that they follow all regulations and laws revolving around safety.
Besides traditional services like construction, they also offer environmental remediation, heavy civil work, removal of debris, and grubbing, as well as location supervision and building decommissioning. All of this suggests that they offer comprehensive assignment control services to their clients starting from the designing phases to construction, all the way to upkeep and testing of the construction site. You can read more about them at
5. “Weatherford International”
Highest Revenue: $5.74 Billion
Weatherford delivers diverse packages and instruments for the realization, extraction, evaluation, and restoration of crude gas and oil. Besides offering kits, programs, and services for drilling, they also offer interventions in remote and arid locations, as well as tubular handling, gear, and machine renting packages, as well as different fleets for workover and drilling platforms.
Besides these services, they also offer logging and measurement packages while the drilling s being completed, there are also services connected to rotary and steerable techniques, and if needed, they also offer temperature and pressure detectors needed in specific areas, as well as projects. They operate in over 85 countries including Latin America, European nations, the Pacific, Asia, and of course, North America.
6. “China Oilfield Services LTD”
Highest Revenue: $3.17 Billion
Last on our list is, perhaps, the youngest company out there, China Oilfield Services LTD has been established in 2005 with headquarters in the Dongcheng District in China. They most commonly deliver offshore services to different firms and some of the sectors that they operate in include well and drilling processes, as well as marine centers, testing assistance, and geophysical packages.
As mentioned, they offer remote digging packs, such as construction and collection of liquids, logging, cementing, directional drills, well realization, stimulus, and workover. They operate in over 25 nations and like all other organizations mentioned in this article, they operate mainly across European nations, South America, the Pacific, Asia, and North America. Their profits are estimated to grow over the next few years.
As you can see, there is a wide range of oilfield construction organizations that are the largest and most successful in 2024. Each of them offers specific and characteristic services to the natural gas and oil organizations, all of which have revolutionized the entire industry and sector.
Since you now know which companies are the largest and most successful in the industry, you shouldn’t waste any more time. Instead, if you need some services offered by the aforementioned companies, you should start looking for an organization that can offer you services that suit your needs and budget.