WoW is one of the games that was released almost two decades ago, and it’s still popular among the players. It wasn’t long ago when they released the last installment known as Sepulcher of the First Ones, as a part of the Shadowlands. Shadowlands is the eighth expansion of WoW, and it still attracts a lot of interest, even though it was launched back in November 2020. Blizzard regularly updates this expansion, so the players can have the best gaming experience.
The game may be difficult for those who are playing it for the first time, but as you gain experience, you also learn the secrets of Shadowlands. So, over time, you will realize the importance of gold, and you will learn interesting ways of farming gold. You might even be better off with WoW veterans who already have an established way and style of playing the game.
Gold is a major currency in World of Warcraft, so it’s important to have it. Many things can be done more easily if you own gold. For example, if you want to improve your skills, make and buy weapons, but also have enough food and drink, you need to have gold. During the game you will really need it, so you should learn how to farm gold.
Of course, there are many ways and sometimes it will be really easy for you to do that. On the other hand, you can always rely on boosting services and invest in such an activity, through sites like
If we are focused on the tips, we should mention these ones:
– Make a personal guild, just to be sure you have enough storage. Your character will use the guild bank for that purpose.
– More bag space, so you can be sure you can increase your inventory, including the gold assets.
– Use Sky Golem, so you can collect herbs and mines, without having to spend a lot of gold on it.
– The Bank Alts will ensure you have enough capacity for the gold.
And when it comes to the farming methods, you have some of these options:
- Daily callings, as one of the easiest ways to make gold in Wow. These quests are great for those who can remember to accomplish them, to collect the golden assets. As you complete the callings, you get more reputation among the other players, and your value is going up. You can get about 1.5K gold for every completed calling. It’s really good for those who need to earn it faster.
- Weekly dungeon quests, so you can again get rewarded in gold. Every week you can play two weekly dungeon quests, and you need to kill the bosses, so you can get rewards for your effort. As you complete the dungeons, you will get about 1.6K gold. So, it’s not the most effective way, but it’s worth it in a long term.
- Use the right methods to farm more gold. Korthite Crystal Farm is focused on crystals that you can sell for nice amounts of gold. Also, you can obtain the crystals from chests, or during quests. Trading them for gold makes farming easier for you. Another interesting method is the Scarlet Monastery Transmog, where some gold farms are based. As you kill the enemies, you can claim more and more gold. Sometimes, you can get about 80K gold for every hour spent on this farm. It’s worth mentioning Vashj’Ir Farm, which can help you farm herbs, that you can sell for gold too. You can do the same with the other items you will find here.
- Skinning is also a great way to earn more gold. This means you can produce legendary items, and sell them to those who are willing to pay gold for them. For example, leather is really in high demand in WoW, and by killing the virtual animals, you can become a leather dealer. Shadowlands make all these things even more challenging because it’s a challenge itself too.
Source: - Herbalism and mining – as we already mentioned a few times in this article. Farming herbs and selling them for potions is a great way to make money in WoW Shadowlands. So, don’t miss this chance. It can be pretty time-consuming, but it’s surely worth the investment. Right now, the herbs are really expensive, so you can expect to sell them for great prices too.
- Use professional Materials. This gives you chances to exchange, so you can sell your consumables, and get gold for it. The prices aren’t fixed, and they can be defined one way or another, depending on your cluster economy. As you suppose, Alchemy and Enchanting can generate some wealth too. We know that the market is completely overwhelmed by items, but you can at least try to see how things would go. Alchemy can be your resource of gold all the time, especially if you create potions and oils, that are needed by the players. Enchanting doesn’t make much money, but it can bring a significant amount of gold, as you boost the performance of the gear. You can also make money with engineering, or even fishing, and cultivating special plants in your fields. Don’t skip on the inscription and crafting, especially when it comes to jewelry.
As you can see, you have plenty of methods to make gold in WoW Shadowlands, no matter which patch you are currently on. It takes a lot of time to complete the quests, or cultivate plants and make potions, but you need to do that if you really need that much gold.
Also, you can farm it, or spend it all the time, as you need additional gear and equipment, or you have to level up your character. But, no matter what, it’s enough just to try. That way, you will see which method works the best for you.