Have you decided to finally say goodbye to your glasses?
Clear vision is something that all people wish for, so in the past years, the popularity of laser eye surgery becomes extremely popular. There are endless benefits of laser eye surgery, and best of all, there are no downsides to this procedure. Technology advancements truly changed every aspect of our lives.
With the latest laser technology, you have the opportunity to see the world in a whole new sharp way because this customized procedure is restoring your natural incorrect vision. The best thing of all is that the price of this procedure is very fair, so you can afford to finally take your glasses off. If you are ready to sharpen your vision, consult with one of the greatest, most reputable, and most experienced doctors of Lasik eye surgery on this website. Now, let’s talk about some great advice that will help you to prepare yourself in the best possible way for this type of procedure and recovery after it is done.
You should avoid putting on makeup before the laser eye surgery
One of the most important things that you should know about is the fact that it is recommendable to avoid putting makeup on your face for a couple of days. Keeping your eye away from makeup will reduce the risk of any type of infection after your laser surgery. Therefore, make sure that you keep your face clean regularly several days before the appointment. This means that you should wash your eyes thoroughly which will help you get rid of debris on your eyelids and eyelashes before your surgery.
You should take off your contact lenses
One more thing that you should be aware of is that you must stop wearing your contact lenses as directed. There are different types of contact lenses such as rigid gas permeable ones, and soft and hard lenses. However, no matter which one you wear, you must stop wearing them for one or more weeks before your operation procedure is booked. You can use the alternative in the meantime which refers to the eyeglasses. This step is very important because contact lenses can impact your corneal shape. This will later affect the measurements for laser eye surgery and as you can conclude by yourself, you will have inaccurate results.
Do not forget to wear some comfortable clothing
Many people do not know about this, however, all surgical rooms are often cold. This is because their goal is to maintain a sterile environment and properly functioning laser technology equipment. We recommend you wear something warm when you are going on surgery.
However, it would be a wise idea to avoid fluffy materials such as wool or fleece, since they can create lint in the surgical suite. The best type of clothing that you can bring is the one that zips. By wearing something like this you will not have to worry about lifting it over your head and potentially hitting the protective eyewear that you will have. Additionally, this type of clothing will prevent the risk of irritating your eyes.
It is suggestible to not use face and hair products
Another thing that you should be warned about refers to using products for your face and hair. In general, different types of lotions, creams, moisturizers, and perfumes come with the risk of increased infection in case they come in the contact with the eyes. For instance, hair products can contain alcohol, like hair spray, aftershave products, etc which can affect the laser procedure negatively. Therefore, it would be a wise idea to put away all the beauty products and avoid them after you have done your surgery. Additionally, you should check with your laser eye surgeon whether you need to avoid using those products for several days before the laser surgery or after the surgery as well, and how long.
Do not forget to take time off work
Many people do not think of laser eye surgery like it is something huge, however, it is just as important as any other surgery. Because of that, you should take time to recover from the surgery properly. This means that if you are working you should tell your boss that you will need some time off work. In fact, in the case of Lasik recovery, you will be needing a couple of days off work. Additionally, even though you are at your home, you must avoid screens and read for at least one day. It is highly important for you to rest your eyes since they are going to be very sensitive after the surgery.
Because of that, you should also prepare your home by creating a perfect recovery area that will have everything you are going to need after the surgery. For instance, make sure to have easy access to all the essential things such as water bottles, nutritious food, and some type of audio entertainment. Despite the mention, the recovery process requires the person to drink plenty of water and avoid cigarette and alcohol drinking. These types of substances can inhibit the healing procedure and dehydrate tissues. If you have any additional questions or worries, you can always be free and comfortable to consult with your ophthalmologist and he will provide you with all the answers so you can feel secure and prepared for the entire procedure.
Talk to your ophthalmologist about the medications
In case you are currently taking any type of medication, supplements, vitamins, or even herbs, you must talk about that with your doctor. Additionally, it is very important to tell your doctor if you have any allergies to the medications. Finally, the last thing you want to tell your doctor is whether you had some past or present eye conditions.
According to the things you said, the doctor will take into consideration the real picture of your health and decide whether something that can affect your laser eye surgery and give you some advice.